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Vision, Song, & Standards of Excellence

School Vision

We are committed to the learning, safety and well-being of others. We aim to meet or exceed the expectations before us. We are Brunson-Lee PROUD!

School Song

Brunson-Lee eagles flying high
We’re spreading our wings to touch the sky
We’re ready to learn and do our best
Soaring high above the rest
Brunson-Lee is the best
Brunson-Lee is the best

Brunson-Lee Eagles Standards of Excellence to GROW Independent Learners

 Guarantee a safe and inclusive environment (Community of Excellence)

·         WE will bring the right attitude to school for our students and staff.

·         WE will keep our conversations professional, positive and focus on teaching and learning.

·         WE will take pride in our school by helping keep all areas clean and safe.


Recognize the value of relationships (Community of Excellence)

·         WE will greet and welcome all students, visitors and each other in the morning as they come into our school and any time when walking by them.

·         WE will know all of our individual students by name and what interests them.

·         WE will make at least three positive contacts home each week.


Obtain high expectations (Achievement in Student Learning)

·         WE will have high intellectual, social, and emotional expectations of all students.

·         WE will conduct checks for understanding throughout the lesson.

·         WE will provide our students feedback with the intent of increasing mastery.


Will ensure every minute counts (Innovation in Teaching)

·         WE will utilize highly effective teaching practices in every subject.

·         WE will use data driven instruction when lesson planning, teaching, monitoring and adjusting and collaborating. 

·         WE will apply feedback given to increase our teaching effectiveness in raising student achievement.